Governing Council Body

Sr. No. Name of Person Designation
1. Shrimant Chh. Sou. Vedantikaraje S. Bhonsle Chairman
2. Shri. Dange Ankush Madhavrao, (Educationalist) Member
3. Shri. Sawant Dhananjay Sarjerao, (Industrialist - Shriplast Industries, Satara) Member
4. Shri. Jagdale Ramchandra Rangrao, (Social Worker) Member
5. Mrs. Pharas Julekha Badashah Member
6. Nominee - AICTE Member
7. Nominee - DTE Member
8. Nominee - MSBTE Member
9. Shri. Nalawade Rajendra Dattu, (Representative of Teaching Staff) Member
10. Shri. Bhosale Sopan Shivaji, (Representative of Non-Teaching Staff) Member
11. Principal, (Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology - Polytechnic) Member Secretary

Support & Strength

Chh. Shivendrasinhraje A Bhonsle (MLA Satara-Jawali). Chh.Sau Vedantikaraje S. Bhonsle(President VVC trust Satara)

VVC Trust

Vidyavardhini Charitable Trust a€“ Satara (VVCT); established and registered in 1998 under Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950 and Societies Registration Act 1860, in 1998. With an objective of providing quality education to the people of Satara. For more information visit

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